Carers’ services

Find out about support for carers over the age of 18 across Leicestershire and future intentions for continued support, which can be found in the joint LLR Carer's Strategy 2022-2025.

Market position statement

Current services 

Carers in Leicestershire are offered information and advice and signpost to local support. In addition, carers over the age of 18 who support or look after someone who lives in Leicestershire maybe entitled to some support through a carer’s assessment.

Carers play an important role in our communities and making a difference to the lives of those who they care for by maintaining their independence. Carers can feel isolated, emotionally drained and have financial implications and will impact on their own lives, health and wellbeing. Support to carers allows them to continue with their caring duties to support to their family and friends. 

Leicestershire is a place where carers are recognised, valued and supported both in their caring role and as an individual. From the Census 2021, it has been identified that there were 61,306 unpaid carers in Leicestershire providing essential support to a family member or friend. Many more people may not consider themselves as having a caring role and will go unidentified. 

The carer’s assessment considers 

  • the carer’s existing support network including their family or friends
  • what carers want or need to achieve outside of their caring role 
  • how this impact the carer’s ability to carry out those activities 
  • how this affects the carer’s health and wellbeing

The outcome of the carers assessment will determine whether the carer is entitled to either a one-off payment or a regular carer’s personal budget. This is normally received through a direct payment. 

Voluntary Action South Leicestershire (VASL) provides services and support to carers over the age of 18 across Leicestershire. The support enables carers to improve their health and wellbeing and support them in their caring role. Carers are also supported by face to face and digital support groups are delivered across the county, a dedicated telephone for support and advice including financial and legal aspects, assist with completing a carer’s assessment, an informative website and self-help videos. VASL works closely with health professionals and social services to help people to identify themselves as carers and gain access to the support they need. Find out more about the Support for Carers service in Leicestershire.

Commissioning aspirations, intentions and opportunities

The joint LLR Carers’ Strategy 2022-2025 sets out the intentions of the partners towards continuing to develop support and services for informal carers.

Amongst the many service areas highlighted to be progressed during the strategy duration are those which:

  • Facilitate carer identification
  • Enable staff across the health and social care system to receive training on carers’ needs
  • Promote access to information for carers
  • Support carers to be able to access a broad range of services within their local communities, including voluntary/community led organisations, helping to support their wellbeing and alleviate social isolation
  • Improve the move between children’s and adult services with young carers and parent carers, so that they can consider and plan for their future aspirations
  • Considers carers’ needs in the commissioning of mainstream services, e.g. mental health.

Page last updated in June 2023.