Early years

For current childcare practitioners and those wishing to enter the sector.

Find information about the Early Years Foundation Stage, training, funding, careers in childcare, as well as handy hints and the latest industry news.

For specialist advisors and practitioners who support children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) from birth until they start school.

Supporting providers with guidance, information, partner links and templates that relate to the four Ofsted inspection outcomes in the common inspection framework.

Information about qualifications and training courses.

Our business development advisors can help you to build your business and keep it profitable.

Information for early years providers and schools to support school readiness

Guidance information from the LRSCP, DfE, Ofsted and partner organisations.

Information for parents on how to prepare their child for school.

Information about the new Provider Portal and how to use it.

Tools and information to help providers administer FEEE successfully, including 30 hours extended FEEE.

The Early Years Inclusion and Childcare Service established a working party in June 2020 following the death of George Floyd and are committed to stand up against racism and promote racial diversity and inclusion.

For childcare providers who give Out of School care for children in Leicestershire.

Information to enable childcare providers to apply for the Playscheme Grant.

Local and national early years news including training opportunities, safeguarding updates and Funding advice and guidance.

Information for schools and settings about providing and managing Leicestershire's 'Local Offer' for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

Find contact details and how the Early Learning and Childcare Service supports new and existing childcare providers to improve outcomes for children.

For owners / managers, childcare staff and those wanting to enter the sector. Advice and guidance on all areas of the recruitment process, from individuals starting a career in childcare to employers safe recruitment and retaining quality staff.

If you are an early years provider you may have a Child in Care (CiC) attending your setting.