Become a supported living provider for Leicestershire

If you’re a supported living provider wanting to provide supported living in Leicestershire with us, then you’ll need to register as a provider and submit an enrolment application to become an approved provider through our ProContract system. We only commission packages of support through this mechanism.

Working with the council

How supported living is provided

We manage the commissioning and contracting arrangements for individual packages of supported living, or ongoing support for individuals, via a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) within the ProContract procurement system.

Register as a provider and submit an enrolment application

You’ll be guided through the process in the ProContract portal. During the enrolment application you’ll be asked to:

  • provide company details
  • answer quality questions relating to supported living services
  • upload relevant required documents

You won’t be able to work with us to provide supported living if you’re not on our DPS.

Register as a provider on ProContract

What happens next

Once you have submitted your application, your submission will be evaluated in line with the dates specified on the pro contract portal and you will receive feedback via the portal to say if you have been successful, within this timeframe.

If you would like join our monthly supported living teleconferences, visit our Provider Teleconferences page for dates and joining instructions.

Checking accommodation is suitable for supported living

Many of our support requests require accommodation as part of the package.

Visit our Providing supported living accommodation page for support and guidance on meeting national and local standards.