Dignity award

Awarded to providers who can demonstrate their ongoing commitment to promoting and delivering dignified care services.

Adult social care and health

Leicestershire's Dignity Award

Leicestershire County Council is committed to respecting people’s dignity by ensuring that every organisation/care home is implementing the 10 Dignity Challenges and embedding the role of the Dignity Champion effectively into their care practices and the way service users are supported.

The Dignity Award will be awarded to providers who can demonstrate their ongoing commitment to promoting and delivering dignified care services.

The application is your opportunity to demonstrate how your organisation/care home is delivering dignified services to those that you support. Your Dignity Award will be valid for a period of 12 months, at which point it will need to be renewed. The renewal guidance will be forwarded to you when your current award is due to be renewed.

Who can apply for a Dignity Award

Any organisation that is based in Leicestershire and provides care services within the boundaries of the county can apply. This includes both regulated and non-regulated activities.

The Dignity Challenges

The Dignity Award uses the Department of Health’s 10 Dignity Challenges as outlined below as a benchmark for providing a dignified service:

  1. Have a zero tolerance of all types of abuse
  2. Support people with the same respect you would want for yourself or a member of your family
  3. Treat each person as an individual by offering a personalised service
  4. Enable people to maintain the maximum possible level of independence, choice and control
  5. Listen and support people to express their needs and wants
  6. Respect people’s right to privacy
  7. Ensure people feel able to complain without fear of retribution
  8. Engage with family members and carers as care partners
  9. Assist people to maintain confidence and a positive self-esteem
  10. Act to alleviate people’s loneliness and isolation