Notification of School Closure or Partial Closure

Notify us online that your school is closing. Responsibilities for vulnerable children.

Schools, colleges and academies

Vulnerable Children and Young People

In accordance with Emergency Planning and Response for Education, Childcare, and Children’s Social Care Settings (October 2022).

In all circumstances, vulnerable children and young people should be prioritised for continued face-to-face education and childcare. You must also continue to have regard to any statutory safeguarding guidance that applies to you and your setting. It is important that early years settings, schools (including mainstream and specialist settings) and further education providers put in place systems to keep in contact with vulnerable children and young people if they are not attending, particularly if they have a social worker.

This includes:

  • Notifying their social worker (if they have one) and, for looked-after children, the Local Authority Virtual School head at
  • Agreeing with the social worker the best way to maintain contact and offer support.
  • Keeping in contact with vulnerable children and young people to check their wellbeing and refer onto other services if additional support is needed.

Schools should have risk assessed vulnerable pupils and planned appropriate contact.

Schools are reminded to alert relevant LAs where LAC pupils have a corporate parent other than LCC. In addition, where vulnerable children reside out of county, to ensure the relevant LA is also notified.

Notify us of a school closing

Use our online form to tell us if your school has to close for a period of time:

Notify us online of a school closure or partial closure