Primary school moderation

Primary schools

Monitoring arrangements

Local agreement

Please read the local agreements for EYFS and Key Stage 2. 

Then, complete the online form to agree to the Leicestershire moderation process for Key Stage 2.

Early Years Foundation Stage

As you are aware the statutory duty for Local Authorities to moderate the EYFS has been removed. We will however continue to offer training and support for the EYFS and EYFS profile completion. This comprises of the following:

  • Twice yearly ‘EYFS School Network’ sessions
  • EYFS profile training for teachers new to the EYFS
  • Agreement trialling for all EYFS teachers to support final EYFSP judgements

Our training opportunities will be available through the Head Teacher Briefing and on LTS.

We ask that you continue to complete the EYFS staffing arrangements form as this gives us a picture of the numbers of staff that may want to attend our training.

Monitoring arrangements agreement form

Staffing arrangements

You can now provide your school staffing arrangements online. Please complete the relevant forms below, by Friday 13 October 2023:

EYFS staffing arrangements 2023-24

Year 6 staffing arrangements 2023-24

When you submit the form, you will get an email confirmation of the information you have submitted.