Getting a job

Good employers recognise hard work, positive attitude and commitment, not just qualifications. They can send you on courses to develop your skills to help you progress at work, so you can learn and earn at the same time.

Children and Young People
Employee in a coffee shop with a serving tray

If you’re going to start looking for a job, we’d recommend starting by writing or updating your CV with your latest qualifications. Also include any work experience, interests, sporting or other achievements.

Register with recruitment agencies and keep an eye out for jobs on the government's Find a job page and on the Leicester Mercury site.

Don’t wait for vacancies to be advertised though. Think about which companies are local to you or that you’d like to work for and send your CV to them with a good covering letter explaining why you’d like to work for them and why they should consider you.

While you’re looking for a job, it’s a good idea to do some voluntary work. This will give you lots of new experience that you can talk about in applications and help to show how hard working you are. You’ll likely enjoy it and meet new people too.

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