Foster Care Training

Find out about our upcoming training courses and how the Virtual School family can help you to support your foster child through education.

Foster Carers
Foster carer smiling and laughing with birth child and foster child

Introduction to the Virtual School and Emotion Coaching

This training is ideal for: foster carers

Emotion Coaching is a practical three-step approach to dealing with behaviour in the moment. It enables children and young people to manage their own behaviour through helping them to understand the different emotions they experience, why they occur, and how to handle them.


  • Introduction as to how the Virtual School can support your child’s education
  • To enhance understanding about the effect of trauma and attachment difficulties on children’s development, behaviour and ability to regulate their emotions
  • To understand the theory behind emotion coaching and the benefits of using it in schools
  • To be familiar with the three-step emotion coaching approach and feel able to use it with children to improve self-regulation, behaviour and learning

Dates and venue:

  • Thursday 26 January 2023, 9.30am - 12.30pm via Microsoft Teams

Contact us to book:

Telephone: 0116 305 6311

Supporting children to choose GCSE and Post 16 options

This training is ideal for: foster carers


  • To understand the role of foster carers in helping children to achieve their educational potential and promoting high aspirations
  • To be familiar with Year 9 options and Post 16 options and understand the processes that follow these stages
  • To be familiar with the curriculum including GCSE assessment
  • To explore ways of supporting young people with revision and homework
  • To understand how to access information, advice and guidance

Dates and venue: TBC

Contact us to book:

Telephone: 0116 305 6311

Understanding the importance of learning through play in the Early Years Foundation stage

This training is ideal for: foster carers


  • To gain an understanding of the Early Years Foundation
  • To understand of the importance of play and how children learn through play
  • To explore ways of using play to promote early literacy and numeracy skills and what you can do to help

Dates and venue: TBC

Contact us to book:

Telephone: 0116 305 6311