If you go down to the woods today...

You’re sure to have a great time just like children from the Leicestershire Virtual School did with their carers and foster-siblings last weekend.

Leicestershire Virtual School

Everyone had a great time, playing hide and seek (a favourite with the boys) and learning about the environment. They talked about the planets and had a go at making butter but unfortunately it was too warm so the milk didn’t quite turn. The families ate toast from the fire, with some of them bravely trying the ‘butter’ they had made.

The water play area was very popular and the younger boys got very involved, not bothering about getting wet or mucky. They had free play with clay, enjoying the sensation of manipulating it into different shapes.

The children and carers also helped pack away. The older children were really helpful getting water and organising things, and helping to tidy up by raking and piling up leaves.

Further sessions are arranged for the coming months, so contact virtualschool@leics.gov.uk if you would like to join in.

Leicestershire Matters

We're pleased to announce the Leicester City Council and Leicestershire Council's Careers Fair.

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