Children in Care

Frequently asked questions about children in care.

Early years


What we should do if a child comes to the setting who is ‘CIC’ or ‘LAC’

Find out which local authority is responsible for them. This will usually be the place they first became a ‘LAC’ (Looked After Child).

Contact their social worker, if they haven’t made contact with you. When you speak to the social worker:

  • Ask for information you may need to know as a provider i.e.  Any persons they are not to have contact with.
  • When the PEP meeting will be held

It is important that you contact the Early Learning and Childcare Service (ELCC) at Leicestershire County Council (LCC) to inform us you have a CiC. Telephone: 0116 305 7136.

  • Ensure the 15 hours FEEE are in place for the child.

What additional funding is available

If a CiC attends your setting or has been previously a CiC, they will be entitled to access the 2 year FEEE. Unfortunately this cannot be verified by using the online facility therefore you will need to contact ELCCS on 0116 305 6208 in order to obtain a CURN.

At 3 years, CiC are entitled to EYPP in addition to the 15 hours FEEE. This will be paid in line with current FEEE.

If the child doesn’t have a birth certificate

Often CiC will not have a birth certificate initially, but this should not prevent them having a place in your setting. You will need to get a letter from the social worker to say that they are ‘looked after’ to show as evidence for FEEE. 

What is a PEP?

A PEP (Personal Education Plan) meeting is a statutory requirement - Promoting the Education of Looked after Children, July 2014.

The CiC should have a PEP meeting within the first months of being in the setting.

The meeting will usually take place at the early years setting if you have a private room, but occasionally it will be held in the foster carer's home or social care offices.

The meeting will usually last about an hour. The setting will receive £25 to enable a member of staff to attend the PEP meeting. In addition to you, the meeting is usually attended by a social worker, improvement advisor (IA) and carers. If there are any other services involved with the child they may attend too. Birth parents may also be invited, at the social worker's discretion, depending on circumstances.

For the PEP you will need to complete the following in advance:

  • An up to date tracker
  • Progress summary
  • The ‘all about me’ and ‘wellbeing’ sheets sent via Anycomms+.

At this meeting there will be:

  • Updates from everyone
  • Discussion and review on progress in the prime areas
  • New targets for the prime areas agreed
  • Consideration of how EYPP will be used to support PEP targets

What the Improvement Advisor (IA) will do when they visit the setting

Once the ELCCS know that your setting has a CiC, an IA will contact you to arrange a visit. The IA’s role is to support the setting, to provide the best opportunities for LAC (Looked After Children).

Prior to the PEP meeting an IA will visit your setting, to inform you about what will happen at the PEP meeting. During the visit the IA will also observe the child, look at the learning journey and tracker. This will help inform the targets at the PEP. 

After the PEP the IA will complete monthly visits, to monitor progress of the child and the PEP targets.

What is ‘good practice’ to support the child

  • It is particularly important that the child has a specific Key Person.
  • Make good observations - find out their interests, fascinations and responses to different situations.
  • Make a Learning Journal that the child can take with them when they leave, as many CIC lose track of their memories in the future. It is a great thing to look back on when a family have only a little knowledge.
  • Communicate effectively with the carers and social worker. 
  • Support Emotional Development – look at the lower age bands in Development matters, to ensure all these needs are being met.
  • Attend the ‘Attachment and Trauma’ training offered.
  • Use a visual timetable with them.
  • Remember a child’s behaviour is always a form of communication.
  • All transitions however small could be traumatic for these children so they will need additional support.

What support we will get from Early Years team

  • When you have a CIC from Leicestershire, an EY Improvement Advisor will visit monthly, to support you to meet the needs of the children.
  • The duty desk is always available too, and the Early Years team will always find out the information and support you need.
  • There will be training offered to a setting who have CIC around Attachment and Trauma and Emotion Coaching.

What the acronyms mean

  • LAC Looked After Child
  • CIC Child in Care
  • PEP Personal Educational Plan
  • IA Improvement Advisor
  • SGO Special Guardianship Order
  • ICO Interim Care Order
  • CAO Child Arrangement Order
  • FCO Full Care Order