Children in Care

Early years

Supporting children in care

Transition – Mind the gap

Transitions are a particularly challenging time for CiC as they will display attachment difficulties as they develop new relationships. They may have built up trust with one or two (or more) key adults in their early years’ setting, but they are now being asked to ‘move on’ from these, now trusted, relationships to new ones.

Transition can cause high anxiety for children and can have a far reaching impact on their emotional well-being and academic achievements. Transition is a big responsibility for practitioners, families and carers and should be made a priority.

Transition – Mind the gap

Starting school

When the Personal Education Plan (PEP) meeting is held in the autumn term it is important that any application for a school place is considered or made. Those attending the meeting will be reminded of the deadline for the application and advised to look at the school admissions website. The subsequent meetings will be used to identify if a school place has been allocated and transition arrangements planned.
