Education Effectiveness Team

The Education Effectiveness Team (EET) works with all education settings in Leicestershire (primary, secondary schools and academies, alternative providers and independent / specialist settings) to help them give children the best start in life they can.

Schools, colleges and academies


  • Works in partnership with the education sector and other agencies, developing mutual understanding to enable the Local Authority to act as champions for children in Leicestershire, particularly for those who might otherwise be disadvantaged.
  • Responsible for Local Authority duties under the Schools Causing Concern Guidance, specifically supporting maintained school governing bodies to ensure high standards are achieved.
  • Responsibilities for primary school assessment and moderation, as well as operating an Appropriate Body for Early Career Teachers and supporting the development of specialist education providers, including offering an induction programme for new headteachers.
  • Manages general communications with schools, including a twice-weekly headteacher briefing email, intended for wider sharing.

For general queries, to subscribe or submit content, please contact us.

Education Effectiveness Partners (EEPs)

The Education Effectiveness Team supports local leadership of the school system and is made up of Education Effectiveness Partners (EEPs) who all have significant experience of school leadership.

Each school is allocated an Education Effectiveness Partner. If you are not aware who this is, please use the general address / phone number as above.

Education Effectiveness Partners are the first point of contact for schools within the Local Authority and can help schools make the right connections.

LEEP - Leicestershire Education Excellence Partnership

LEEP is an open strategic partnership to share understanding and leadership of local educational issues. It is designed to:

  • Address disadvantage and inequality of opportunity; to develop an understanding of the range of setting and system improvement activities to target and align these to maximise outcomes for all Leicestershire learners;
  • Facilitate and communicate opportunities transparently across all educational settings;
  • Consider priority areas within the education system and facilitate strategies for these and to monitor the impact of educational improvement activities

It is organised around three principles, each of which has its own workstream, facilitated by one of the EEPs, whose role is to bring partners together and keep track of actions agreed. Priorities are:

  • LEEP 1 Building a sustainable educational system
  • LEEP 2 Supporting our most vulnerable learners (including safeguarding, wellbeing, traveller children, youth offending service)
  • LEEP 3 Education and learning interventions to narrow identified gaps (including CPD, remote learning, assessment and moderation

Workstream meetings take place online and representation from all relevant sectors is encouraged, particularly those working most closely with children and young people. If you would like to contribute to this work, please contact us as above.

Safeguarding in Education

Our Safeguarding team is highly regarded by schools due to its dedication to providing timely and effective guidance, support and training. We are here to provide sound advice to critical incidents at your setting and support you to meet your statutory responsibilities.

You should never delay contacting Children Services and/or police if you believe a child is at risk or in danger. However, there are times when educational settings might want additional third party advice.

When DSLs or DDSLs in maintained schools, academies, independent, FE and sixth form colleges regularly attend training, our experienced officers are able to offer them ongoing support and advice.

The Team support Headteachers, Designated Safeguarding Leads and governors with their safeguarding responsibilities and training requirements - you can only book training using the LTS system.

Training Services for Safeguarding Include:

  • Training for Designated Safeguarding Leads - this is mandatory
  • Refresher training for Designated Safeguarding Leads - an update is mandatory every two years
  • Safer Recruitment training - it is mandatory that at least one person on every interview panel appointing staff in schools should have accessed training – refreshed every five years.
  • Allegations Management training for head teachers and chairs of governors
  • Safeguarding Awareness Sessions for whole school staff - one of our trainers can deliver an individual training session, or alternatively this can be delivered in house and validated by the Local Authority.
  • Advice for schools on e-safety issues - awareness presentations are available for staff and parents. There is a Leicestershire Schools E-safety Award available.
School Governance

Governor Support to Schools

We are passionate about supporting you to deliver outstanding governance to your school or academy.

The Governor Support will also include:

  • A dedicated telephone helpline service for your governors and clerk providing practical up-to-date advice
  • Can access to the National Governors’ Association (NGA) E-learning module.
  • Discounted National Governors’ Association (NGA) standard membership rates if requested.
  • Regular e-updates and termly forums for governors and clerks on key issues affecting governance, meaning governors are kept up to date on all relevant matters reducing the workload for the clerk and headteacher.
  • We are also able to tailor a bespoke a training and support offer to suit your school, academy or group of schools.

Become a Governor

If you get on with people, would like to learn something new and give something back to the community, then being a school governor may be for you.

To be a governor, you must be committed and interested in doing what's best for the next generation. Appointments usually last for four years and you will receive appropriate training and support.

The Governing Body

As part of the governing body, you are responsible for making sure the school provides good quality education. Together with the headteacher, you set the school strategic vision, ethos and policies.

Every school has a governing body. It normally includes:

  • Parents elected by other parents of children at the school.
  • Citizens appointed by the local authority.
  • Members co-opted from the community.
  • Foundation governors appointed to voluntary schools to represent the church or trust which provides the school (if any).
  • School staff, including the headteacher.

The governing body:

  • Is accountable for the performance of the school.
  • Plans for the school's future.
  • Recruit and support the performance of the headteacher.
  • Makes decisions and is accountable for the school's budget and staffing.
  • Makes sure the National Curriculum is delivered and sustains improvement across school.
  • Plan and monitor the impact of how the school delivers the development of pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
  • Makes sure that the school provides for all its pupils, including those with additional needs.

If you would like to find out more about becoming a school governor before you apply, please contact

Governor Support and Development (GSD)

SACRE - Standing Advisory Council for Religious Studies

Every Local Authority (LA) is required by law to have a SACRE. Leicestershire SACRE offers a comprehensive range of advice and support and is a powerful local voice for communities with a stake in Religious Education.

It plays a very important role in supporting RE, and in contributing to the raising of standards in the subject.

Leicestershire SACRE

Early Careers Teachers (ECT)

Statutory Induction of Early Careers Teachers

The appointment of an Early Careers Teacher brings with it opportunity, challenge and statutory responsibilities for all concerned – ECT, School, Provider and Appropriate Body (AB).

We offer a wealth of experience and expertise in supporting schools to develop ECTs throughout their induction period and fulfil the relevant duties as laid out in the most recent government legislation.

As your designated AB, the Education Effectiveness Team will ensure compliance with statutory requirements and support schools with their induction responsibilities, which include;

  • Advice, guidance, training and high-quality support for induction tutors, mentors and ECTs.
  • Administration, registration, assessment and administration of the data base and electronic system.
  • Managed by experienced support staff providing induction advice to all school staff involved in the induction process.
  • Reporting to the Teacher Regulation Agency (TRA) at each stage, from Registration to completion of the whole induction process.
Early Careers Teachers - supporting organisations

To discuss the service available and whether or not it meets your organisation’s needs please contact:

Helen Kruse
Senior Business Support Assistant
Telephone: 0116 305 6739

Local Authority Co-ordinator for ECT Induction: Heather Osgood
Named person for ECTs: Rebecca Wakeley.

SEND Support in Schools
The Inclusion Service

The Inclusion Service aims to support all children and young people, working together with parents, carers and educational establishments to ensure that children can access and be included in good or outstanding educational settings.

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