Leicestershire SACRE (Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education)

Every LA is required by law to have a SACRE. The SACRE meets three times a year and sends a report to the QCDA every year.

Schools, colleges and academies

About Leicestershire SACRE

The SACRE sends a report to the Department of Education (DfE) every year. The SACRE meets three times a year, usually at County Hall. For the Academic Year 2022/23, the Chair is Amanda McKenzie, who was elected at the meeting on 6 October 2022.

Legal requirements

Every local authority (LA) is required by law to have a SACRE. The origins of SACREs go back to the Education Act 1944, but the Education Reform Act 1988 and the Education Act 1996 strengthened the place of the SACRE in LAs.

The function of a SACRE is to support and advise the LA upon matters connected with collective worship in community schools and in foundation schools which do not have a religious character, and the religious education to be given in accordance with an agreed syllabus.

Contribution to community cohesion

The promotion of Community Cohesion lies at the heart of the Agreed Syllabus through explicit specification content and potential learning opportunities. For more information on how schools can be supported with their requirements around promoting Community Cohesion.

Syllabus content

The Syllabus is designed to develop pupils’ awareness of the religious diversity that surrounds them, recognising and appreciating different religions, beliefs, ethnicities and socio-economic backgrounds. Students are required to explore questions about the ultimate meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about God and self and consider issues such as justice, human rights, belonging, identity, interfaith dialogue and discrimination locally, nationally and globally.

The Agreed Syllabus sets out what should be taught to students and the standards expected at each Key Stage. There is a requirement to study different traditions enabling pupils to acknowledge the diversity of opinion and practices and to understand others.

If you are a school in Leicestershire that needs full access to the PDF of the syllabus, contact the Diocese of Leicester Board of Education   

If your school is outside Leicestershire and you would like to use the syllabus the price is £55 for the licence.  

Please note this is an electronic syllabus only.

Learning opportunities

The syllabus content requires students to develop skills of participation and to make informed evaluations concerning contemporary issues both nationally and globally.

Learning will be naturally enriched through fieldwork, visits to different places of worship and interaction with members of different beliefs and communities.Opens new window


What do I do if I am unhappy about RE Teaching in my child’s school

You should speak to the Headteacher of the School.

What do I do if I wish to make an official complaint about RE in my child’s school

You should go through Section 409 of the Education Act 1996 schools complaints procedure by contacting the Headteacher.

What if I disagree with the Leicestershire Agreed Syllabus for RE

You should write to the Clerk to the SACRE under Section 409 of the Education Act 1996 schools complaints procedure (address on homepage).

How do I find out more about RE in my child’s school

You should speak to the Headteacher of the School.

Can I withdraw my child from RE and collective worship

Yes – your request should be in writing to the Headteacher of the school and should make clear to them whether it is from all the subject or just part. The School has to make it clear what the educational objectives and the content of R.E. are so you can make an informed choice. Where you withdraw your child the school has a duty to supervise them – but not to provide additional teaching or incur cost. However, if the school is a voluntary aided School which is within the Diocese and not the Local Authority that may be problematical.

How can I improve the 'spiritual dimension' of the curriculum for learners?

  • When considering the curriculum and particular aspects of teaching and lessons, plan opportunities to improve the spiritual dimension for pupils:
  • Take into account pupils’ beliefs, religious or otherwise, which inform their perspective on life and their interest in and respect for different people’s feelings and values.
  • Help pupils to understand a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them, including the intangible.
  • Support pupils in their use of imagination and creativity in their learning.
  • Help pupils to reflect on their experiences.

How can I prepare fully for an Ofsted inspection?

  • Refer to the Ofsted website - look at forms and guidance, schools, inspection documents. Also, in the search box, it is possible to refine a search.
  • Consider the advice in the DfE publication Religious Education in English Schools: non-statutory guidance 2010 - available at Gov.uk
  • Ensure that the appropriate Statutory Agreed Syllabus is being followed.
  • You may be the subject of a single subject inspection. Should this be the case ensure that you are in a position to make judgements, with evidence, regarding achievement, the quality of teaching and learning, the curriculum and leadership and management of the subject.
  • Consider links across the curriculum, for example in English, music, drama or art. Is it possible to be flexible and creative in the way that RE is taught?